Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Digital Media - 2221 Words

The media of mass communication have long played a fundamental role in people’s lives. The media informs, persuades, entertains, and even sells. For the most part; mass media is only owned by a few private companies, as we learned in the â€Å"media ownership† discussion. According to the â€Å"Telecommunications Act of 1996,†, this act was to spawn some competition the broadcast companies. It also eased the restrictions on the number of television stations one individual company can own. The media, controlled by power corporations and government organizations, has positioned itself to influence people in all manner of ways, but no one group controls the system as a whole. 90% of all television media is controlled by†¦show more content†¦Convergence can mean the merger of people, resources, media technologies, content, and industries. Media convergence is the merging (or joining) of previously distinct media to create entirely new forms of communication expression. Henry Jenkins, a professor at USC, described convergence as the relationship between media convergence and user empowerment. He (Jenkins) states that â€Å"Convergence requires media companies to rethink old assumptions about what it means to consume media, assumptions that shape both programming and marketing decisions. If old consumers were assumed to be passive, the new consumers are active. If old consumers were predictable and stayed where you told them to stay, then new consumers are migratory, showing a declining loyalty to networks or media. If old consumers were isolated individuals, the new consumers are more socially connected. If the work of media consumers was once silent and invisible, the new consumers are now noisy and public.†Show MoreRelatedDigital Media3731 Words   |  15 PagesIntroduction: You may have heard of digital media, but you may have no idea what it is and how it can help you out when it comes to marketing. Its definitely important that you get up to speed so you can use this to benefit your business. Basically digital media refers to any type of electronic media out there. Today media can be accessed in many ways, including with hand held devices like mobile phones, laptops, desktops, mp3 players, and more. Digital media must be stored in an electronic wayRead MoreDigital Content Of Digital Media2877 Words   |  12 Pages‘The term â€Å"new media† will in general refer to those digital media that are interactive, incorporate two-way communication, and involve some form of computing as opposed to â€Å"old media† such as the telephone, radio, and TV (Logan, 2010). Digital Media is a fluid term, not only is it a modern means of exchanging or distributing of information through electronic devices, but is also a constantly evolving one. This ‘information’ is known as digital content and it comes in numerous forms, which includesRead MorePrint Media And Digital Media1740 Words   |  7 PagesThe print and the digital media have been in the forefront in acting as the social mirror reflecting on what goes on in the society. Thus when it is said that the print media is dead it becomes quite disturbing because traditionally it is known as the only tool that pe ople have come to trust to deliver information in a holistic manner. Well, in the advertising world, it is assumed that the more the products are displayed in pages of magazines and newspapers; they are bound to be sold more becauseRead MoreHow Digital Media Is Helping Us Or Not? Essay1270 Words   |  6 PagesWith several experiments taking place around digital media, you’d think there would’ve been a firm answer on its effects by now. The fact is there has been an answer for the problem, except it’s not just one answer, its’s several more than just one. McWilliams tackles the outcomes of the answers and whether or not digital media is helping us or not. With several sections dictating the effects of digital media and one’s mind, he provides us with fact and thought filling sections on each of the occurringRead MoreThe Media Of The Digital Media Era868 Words   |  4 Pagesof the digital media era, the internet provides a platform for social me dia networking to become a major influence in the lives of everyone and everything imaginable. The internet is used for everything from entertainment to school, work, shopping, and research. Consumers also use the internet to play games, gather information, read blogs and websites; download, upload, and share text and media files, images, and music; communicate with others via email, instant messages, and social media sites.Read MoreDigital Media And Its Effect On Society1770 Words   |  8 Pagessociety, one of the most highly influential ways of interacting with the public is through the widespread form of digital media. In itself, digital media is any media that can be utilized or viewed via electronics. This mixes two things that people love and use every day, the first being media like radio, television, newspapers, magazines, and websites. The second subject being all things digital, such as laptops, desktop computers, smartphones, cameras, gaming consoles, etc. These medium s affect the waysRead MoreThe Between Mass Media And Digital Media Essay1501 Words   |  7 Pagesdo multiple media forms. Broadly, convergence is the blending of multiple media forms into one platform for purposes of delivering a dynamic experience. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, media convergence can be described as a â€Å"phenomenon involving the interconnection of information and communications technologies, computer networks, and media content. It brings together the â€Å"three C’s†Ã¢â‚¬â€computing, communication, and content—and is a direct consequence of the digitization of media content andRead MoreThe Media Of New Digital Media1214 Words   |  5 PagesIn the age of new digital media, it has become all the easier for consumers to be able to share their media online, on various different sites. Whether that is audio, video, or images, there are a whole host of different platforms in which users can upload their content on to and, in turn, ca n interact with other uses that have the same interests. In this report I will be looking at different social media sites, all with a different media demographic and discuss the advantages and drawbacks of eachRead MoreThe Impact Of Digital Media On The Cinema Industry1284 Words   |  6 Pagesthe Internet and new media has changed the way people live, work and entertain. Long–time forms of entertainment, such as music, games or movies have been changed accordingly. Within the entertainment industry, the cinema sector is experiencing dramatic transformations. Consumers are now provided with a wide range of ways to access their products. Traditional practices of enjoying movies, especially going to the cinema, are said to be diminished by the use of digital media. From this, there areRead MoreWhat Is Digital Media Convergence1467 Words   |  6 PagesI am going to have an in-depth look at the question â€Å"what is digital media convergence†, not just a simple answer of what it is because the question may seem simple but in digital media convergence there are several underlying convergences which make up the whole idea, in this essay I am going to try and cover what these are and what effects technologically, socially and culturally they are having on us. First of what is Digital media convergence? It can be simplified as several processes, these

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